Tuesday, August 11, 2015

July Update

To be honest every time I come to write a new blog update I have to think REALLY hard about what I even did that month! Time goes by so fast and everything just mushes together.

In the beginning of July we had a mission team here from Vero Beach, Florida. It was really cool to have all of them but best of all my team mate from last year, Jonny, was on the trip! We got to do a lot of outreaches and go to different parts of Guatemala. One of my favorite things that we got to do together was go to Escuintla, it's one of my favorite parts to go! We went to the local school in Escuintla to do a soup kitchen and just play/hang out with the kids. I always have so much fun there and get so dirty playing like a 5 year old with the kids :) It was only my 3rd time there over the past 6 months and I had a couple kids run up to me saying my name! It melted my heart.

When the team left, Lydia's two friends came here to visit for 3 weeks! They came along with us everywhere we went. They kept saying they were "missionaries" for 3 weeks! We all had a blast whether it was going to the schools, taking the chicken bus, drinking coffee, or just exploring. Lydia and I had fun playing tourists with them. We went 2 hours away to hike the volcano Pacaya. It was their 1st time doing it and my 2nd time. It is so beautiful and a really fun experience.

July also had some hard times. One of our cooks, Myra, has cancer and has been waiting to have her operation. She finally was able to have it after being in pain for so many months. We got to visit her in the hospital right after. Please keep her and her family in prayer. The doctors were able to take out 4 tumors but there are still more. They have to wait another 6 months before operating because her body can't handle it.

With July came Ignite class 9 woooohoooo! There are 12 newbies living here on property, attending classes everyday, and getting to know Guatemala. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to go out onto the field.

Church is growing here! I love being a part of the body and fellowshipping every Sunday. I do worship for the kids every Sunday in English & Spanish, its fun and it makes me learn more Spanish songs so that's good! I also have the privilege of serving in children ministry a couple times month translating from Spanish to English because our church is bilingual :) We had our monthly women's bible study. We are going through the book of Proverbs. Also, Lydia and I are continuing in being a part of youth group and have been asked to help out with it more! We have it every Friday night and it's always a blast! I love being with those kids and seeing them grow in the Word. We have had 4 new kids which is a huge blessing :)

Kids club, oh Kids Club. Always good things to say about Kids Club. Its been super fun- as always. I LOOOOVE seeing the same faces that faithfully come every week and it has been cool to get to know the new kids. I love meeting kids on their first day, hanging out with them, making them feel welcomed and then seeing them again the next week. When I remember their names they have the biggest smiles :)

And who can forget the schools? They are a HUGE part of what I do down here. I love it. Love it. I never thought I would be doing what I am doing. I have seen growth and progress in my students, we are almost through the year! Only about 2 more months to go! I have been going even deeper on the bible lessons- it is something God has really been pressing on my heart. It's a spiritual battle though and I get discouraged. But God always lifts me up, gives me the strength to carry on and keeps His promise of never leaving me. Just last Friday He gave me a devine appointment. I had just taught 4 classes and was preparing to teach my final class of the day when I come to find out they aren't there. So I sat down and began to go over some stuff when a little boy sits down by me. He was supposed to be mopping but started talking to me. One thing led to another and the door was wide open for me to share the gospel (this is all in Spanish mind you), so I did. I had my Spanish Bible and I was sharing with him verses. He looked like he was really soaking it all in and was listening intently. He looked a little nervous like he wasn't sure what to do but he kept asking questions and listening. I told him how he could be saved and offered to pray with him but told him that he could also talk to God whenever he wanted. I told him that I would be praying for him. He seemed really grateful for that. His name is Alex and he has been in my mind since that moment. He told me he didn't have a bible but wanted one. That's something else on my heart- to give my students bibles. I don't know how but I want to.

So please pray for Alex and all the other kids who are open to the gospel. Pray for me that I would be filled with the Holy Spirit and open to His leading. Pray for endurance to finish this year out strong. Pray for more boldness. Pray for the church here. Pray for the new Ignite class that is training. Pray for the lost. Pray for the persecuted church. Above all, pray for HIS will to be done.

thanks for your love & support. If you have questions or want to contact me, you can at quinceymarie@me.com

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