Thursday, October 1, 2015

September :D

September :)

It seemed to come and go so quick- like every month this year! 

The 15th of September is Guatemala’s independence day. So at church we had a big bbq with carne asada, my favorite, and other side dishes and we all ate together :) it was such a blessing! We also had baptisms that day which is always super special. It’s really cool to be apart of the body of Christ and see Him add to the church. Also, just to have relationships with people from town and see them coming to church and growing in the Lord is an awesome thing to witness. A new thing in the church is the youth group day changing. We used to have in on Friday nights, but now we changed it and have a service on Sunday mornings for the youth. God is working. 

We were also blessed to have guests pastors this past month. We were able to do some local outreaches and share the gospel. It’s always a good time to go out all together and invite people to church and tell them about Jesus. Bible College is in session. It’s all in Spanish so we have 8 students who usually go out with us and are able to share the gospel and help translate. 

School has been going good. We have been reviewing and getting ready for the big English final that I will be giving the first week of October. It has been fantastic to have the kids the whole year and really see them grow. Also, in the Bible lesson we are going through the life of Jesus. God is working in the lives of the kids despite me and my weaknesses. I was preparing for one particular class and the Lord kept speaking to me, “Preach Christ and Him crucified.” And I knew it was time for me to just lay it out. I prepared the gospel lesson in Spanish, had a Spanish speaker proof read it, and went off to school. That day they were having practice for a performance they were going to do the following day. Music was loud, kids were out, and as I was teaching fear set in. I was about to end the class with the Bible lesson but the music outside was so loud. I was reluctant to even share it, but I knew that was the devil so I pushed through. I prayed in my heart and began to share. The music outside silenced and all the kids were attentive. I gave the whole gospel. It was the Holy Spirit. I ended with prayer- it was the first time that I have prayed all in Spanish in front of a classroom before… I didn't think it was possible for me to do. I know that God planted and water seeds that day. I am praying for a harvest. It’s moments like that when I realize that God really can use anyone. I am no one. I can’t speak, I am just a 20 year old gringa- but my excuses aren't good enough for God. He made me, He can use me. He made you, He can use you! 

Kids Club :) I have been taking it easy every Wednesday for kids club because of my health. I usually sit at the front table and check kids in. It means SO much to them just to know that you remember their names. So that’s what I do- I greet them by name and receive a hug and kiss on the cheek. I love it! 

The serving interns here now with IGNITE are finishing up there time. They have been serving here for six months. The training interns of IGNITE are getting ready to go home for 10 days to prepare to go out on the field. It is cool to be a part of seeing them grow and learn. God has good things in store for each one of them!

All in all, its be a great month. We are always trying to make new friends and invest in the relationships with the locals that we already have. Go is also teaching me a lot personally. I have had a lot of time to read since I am not always feeling that great. He is giving me an even stronger hunger for His word. I am also really enjoying reading- which is weird for me haha. I read a couple books by R.A. Torrey, C.S. Lewis, and now I am reading one by D.L. Moody. I know God always prepares His servants. And Jesus is the goal. The goal isn't a bigger kids club, or more schools, or even a bigger church. He is so personal- He wants me to know Him and make Him know. All I can ask is for you to pray for His will to be done, that He would give me His perspective and heart for Guatemala and the world in general.

Gloria a Dios por siempre, amen

Glory to God forever, amen
baptisms at church
the men from the church did everything for the independence day bbq
friends :)
sunday school crew 
kids worship

more independence day fun out in town 
my 5th graders

on our way to do an outreach in the market

drawing a crowd with some music... it always works ;)
balloons for the kids :)
bible college friends 
kids club!
these two make me happy

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