Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 2016

It is here! 2016 has come! And its crazy! I am actually surprised that I haven't been writing 2015 on everything still haha!
We welcomed the new year here in Guatemala, then two days later Lydia arrived :) I was stoked! We had a medical team of 29 people from the states come down the first week of January. I had the privilege of working with them and going to the 3 locations and doing medical clinics. We saw over 1,250 people! It was a huge blessing. I mainly worked with the dentists and got to sneak away to play with kids throughout the day too! God worked in awesome ways! I am still praising Him for what was done in just the first week of January!
Well, time goes by fast here and the morning the medical team left we were changing sheets, cleaning rooms and preparing for the new IGNITE interns to arrive. It was a mad rush to get everything ready, but we did it! All 21 interns of IGNITE class 10 got here safely and are currently going through training. I have two interns in my room with me. It is always fun to see everyone arrive, kinda shy and not knowing what lies before them, then to see them get a little more comfortable and get to know everyone and branch out. That was me two years ago! God is so good. I get to encourage them as they are going through exactly what I have gone through.
I was in Guatemala for about 2 weeks, then Lydia and I headed to the airport to go to Costa Rica because we were in a good friends wedding down there. It was a miracle we even got there! The airport workers here in Guate were on strike. They weren't opening the doors. We were waiting outside, praying, and honestly thinking of other options on how to make it to the wedding for 2 hours! But, finally, the doors opened! Lydia and I were running through the airport, we barely made our flight! We made it to Costa Rica, had a wonderful time at the wedding, and even got to hang out on the beach for a couple of days! But truly the best part of the trip (besides the wedding) was being able to see the church and people that I have heard so much about. Potter's Field has a kids program down there and are partnered with a local church. I have seen countless pictures and heard a lot of stories, but I was able to see it all first hand :) God is good!
So we returned to Guatemala refreshed and sun-kissed. We met with the 3 principals of the schools we teach at. It was awesome to talk to them again and see our students! It is going to be our second year with them! I can't wait to see what God does! It is going to be an awesome year for sure! We started our first week of school at the end of January. It is really cool because I already know these kids and they know me. It is challenging for me to be a strict teacher... I know it is so necessary though! So you could pray for me :) But the bible lessons have been going super well! Each quarter we have a new memory verse. We are doing the Roman's road, so this quarter's verse is Romans 3:23. It is still intimidating teaching the bible in another language, but God always is faithful to fill me and give me the words to speak.
Calvary Chapel Antigua is the church that I attend and serve with here in Guate. I got to help with children's ministry a few times this month. A team from Florida was down here and they did puppets and skits. It was really cool and the kids enjoyed it (me too). The spanish bible institute starts up in February, so all the students came in this month. There are 12 of them! Keep them in your prayers :)
In all there are about 60 people living on property! It's crazy but a huge blessing to be surrounded by people who love Jesus and are serving Him. Right now there are actually 4 of us from IGNITE class 6 serving here in Guatemala! They are girls who went through the program the same time as me, so it's sweet to be reunited with them and serve with them.
We did a pancake outreach this month. We made over 600 pancakes and served them to the venders and shoe shiners in the park. It is always a fun time! It was cool to have all of the training interns there and see them use their gifts and be outside of their comfort zones.
This month was a little hard on my health. I got another sinus infection... I am hopefully going to the doctors soon to see what is going on. But through it all God teaches me. He shows me that He is my strength. He teaches me to keep my eyes on the eternal. This tent is falling apart, but I know the glory that awaits me is better than I could ever imagine!
All in all it was an awesome month! It went by so fast, it has been so busy! But so good! Exciting things are happening! We are starting a bus ministry. The majority of the schools we teach at are about a 30 minute walk away from the center where we have kids club. So we are offering a bus service. It starts Wednesday February 3! We are praying that the kids will be receptive and excited to come to kids club! They will receive a free lunch, we play games, sing and have a bible lesson.

Prayer requests:
- for me to be bold and filled with the Spirit daily
- for all the kids in the schools to be open to the gospel, at for me to be a good teacher and proclaim the gospel boldly in a way they can understand
- for the bus ministry
- for the IGNITE class 10 interns
- for the bible college students
- for the church

If you have any questions, or want more information, feel free to email me at quinceymarie@me.com

To God be the glory now & forever
Dios es bueno :)
back in gaute with the family

playing with some sweet girls at the medical outreach

Lydia and I hanging out with our "Guatemalan brothers" :)

mission team doing a skit for sunday school

leaving guatemala- heading to Costa Rica

Cassandra & Eddie's wedding in Costa Rica

so beautiful

Tamarindo, Costa Rica

We got to hang out with some of the youth in
Costa Rica- girls I have seen in pictures
for years and finally got to meet

Miss Patti and the IGNITE class 6 girls 

Kids Club

First week of school

Lydia :)

Pancake outreach

Dad & me 

Serving with some of class 10 at the pancake outreach 

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