Friday, April 22, 2016

trust = security

“Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established.”
Proverbs 16:3

At the end of March I decided that I wanted to get back into the habit of memorizing scripture. This was the first one that I chose. I was reading in Proverbs earlier in that  week and this verse really stuck out because to me its seemed backwards. But isn't that how things of the Lord normally are? Humble yourself to be exalted, if you want to be great be there servant of all, if you want to be first then you must be last, if you want to find your life you have to loose it first, and the list goes on. 
So here it says to commit my works and then my thoughts will be established. In the way my human brain works, I think it should be the other way around. Commit my thoughts to the Lord and then my works will be established. But it’s not that way. What are my works? What is it actually referring to here? It is referring to deeds, labors, businesses, pursuits, undertakings, enterprises, achievements. Commit all these things to the Lord, they are His. Anything I do, anything I want to pursue, any achievements that I might have I am to commit them to Him. 
Wait a second, I have to back up. Commit. Commit? What does it mean in this verse? I looked it up and in the original language it means, “to roll down, to roll together, or to flow down.” It is used in the bible to roll, to trust, to run down or to remove. So it’s not really a big thing to commit. Its some thing that should be natural. All my “works” are to naturally be rolled over, trusted to the Lord. 
How would this help my thoughts be established? These aren't just thoughts that are being established… these are devices, plans, and purposes. Seems pretty important to me. 
And this establishing is more in depth than i thought. There are so many definitions for it: to be set up, be fixed, be stable, be secure, be enduring, be securely determined, be prepared, be arranged, be settled; to set up, make firm, fix, make ready, prepare, provide; to arrange, order; to constitute, make. 
Wow, just put the two together. Do I want my plans to be secure? Do I want my purposes to be enduring? Then my job is to “roll” all my works over to the Lord. To trust them all to Him right away and then my thoughts will be established. 
What is the danger if I choose not to do this? If I don't hand over my pursuits and undertakings then my thoughts in all of it are going to be skewed. Does that make sense? If the things I am laboring for aren't committed to the Lord then my ways of planning and purposing are going to be wrong. They wont be established, they wont be secure or fixed or enduring. So if I want all my pursuits to be shakable, unsteady, shifty, and short-lived then all I have to do is not commit my works to the Lord. 
I feel like I am repeating myself. But his verse is so much deeper than just the surface. And it plays into every aspect of life. Anything that I am laboring in needs to be committed to the Lord. Any deed, business, pursuit, undertaking- they all need to be given to the Lord so that my planning is right. So that I don't just do things my own way then watch it all fade because it wasn't committed to the Lord. 
How many times have I seen things that I have pursued just fade because I haven't committed them to the Lord? I’m kinda done with that. I want all of my works to be completed in the Lord because they are the Lords. 

So how do I apply this? There is no secret. Just do it. Commit! I guess take a step back and actually see what I am pursuing, what I am undertaking, what I am laboring in. And if those things aren't committed to the Lord, then just roll them over to Him and trust that He has it under control. And with that, just watch Him establish my thoughts. He is going to make my plans and purposes secure, enduring, stable. 

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