Monday, November 28, 2016

Perfect Peace

"For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall of separation," Ephesians 2:14

Moving back to Maui and getting settled in really has been a blessing and so smooth. I enjoyed about 3 weeks of "vacation," then decided it was time to look for a job. Craigslist. Gotta love craigslist. There were a couple restaurants hiring so I applied at 3 or 4 and got a call back. The manager on the phone told me I was going to have my interview with the owner! She said he is a little apprehensive about hiring people without "fine dining" experience and that I need to study the menu (which is pretty much all in Italian) and wines (which I know NOTHING about). I was excited that they even called me back and considered taking me on as a waitress, but at the same time I was so nervous and felt really under qualified. So I started to study. I did my best but prayed that God would do the rest. I didn't really think I would get the job. I was scared. And as I went in for the interview, I realized I had no peace. I talked to the owner- he wasn't as scary as I expected. He was very honest. He told me that to work at his restaurant you needed to have a "deep knowledge" of wine. So he politely told me that I just wouldn't fit in. And at that moment, I was put at rest, I knew this wasn't the Lord's will. 
Why did God let me go through that? I study wines. Ew. I don't care about old grapes. When will I ever use that information? It's not for me to figure out. God taught me an important lesson though. He spoke right to my heart the next day as I opened my bible to Ephesians 2 for my devotions. He showed me what a massive gift it is to have peace with the King of Kings. He is the creator and owner of all things. I am not scared going into His presence, I have full access. How? Peace. Peace literally means to take two things that have been broken apart and put them back together as if they were never apart. I have that perfect peace, that perfect union with God. What a blessing! I don't have to be nervous in my relationship with God. Through Christ Jesus I have peace. Such a relief. 
Not only do I have peace with God, but I can experience peace from God. I have peace that I am where He wants me to be right now. I know that He will give me the perfect job in His perfect timing. But sometimes I let things steal my peace. I get nervous or fearful. I over think things. I try and plan out my life and see all the uncertainties and I forfeit my peace. 
There is a great hymn that I love called, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," and part of it says this:

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
  All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
  Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Sometimes I forget that I have peace with God that allows me to enter into His throne room and lay all my anxieties at His feet. When I loose sight of the fact that I have peace with God, I block the flow of peace from God. 
He is the source of my peace. Fear kills peace. Selfish thinking kills peace. Bring it all to Him who is your peace and freely receive the peace of God that passes all understanding. 

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