Friday, May 29, 2015


It finally came.
Today was the day I was dreading and looking forward to all at the same time. 
On Sunday, God gave me this idea to do with my Friday's 6th grade class. The thing is, in every class I read a Bible story and in some classes it is a real struggle. But last Friday it was like my 6th grade got it. We read the story of David and Goliath and they acted it out as I read it in Spanish. They got it! We talked about it- I was able to explain it in Spanish... Miracles. So God spoke to me and gave me an idea.
Sometimes I feel like David. I am young, inadequate, feel unprepared to do things but I don't need to be afraid because God is with me just like He was with David as he faced the giant. But I am here in Guatemala for one reason- Jesus. And I need to be showing that more. God is pushing me to do things with purpose not just because they are in front of me. I pray for my classes- all 12 of them. But God gave me the idea to make a jar for this 6th grade in particular. I want to pray for them by name. 
I loved this idea! I was like wow thanks God this is great! And then fear set in... What if they laugh? What if no one gets it? What if I choke and can't explain what it is to them? You can't speak Spanish Quincey- YOU'RE A GRINGA! 
But God's voice is louder. He reassured me that this was His idea, that He was going to use it and that I just have to be faithful. 
So today came... And of corse 6th grade is my fifth and final class of the day. I taught them and then I ended by taking out the jar. And I started speaking... I said, "You all know that I am from the United States but I came here to Guatemala. Who knows why I am here?" and I got the answer, "to teach us english!" In which I replied, "Well yes, but there is a reason more important than that." And they said, "To learn Spanish!" And with that I laughed and said, "Yeah I need to do that too, but I am here because I am a missionary. I am a Christian. I have a relationship with Jesus. Remember what we do here every week? We read a bible story. And last week it was about David. A lot of times I feel like David. I am small and I feel like I can't do anything. It scares me to be up here teaching you but I know what David knew. God is with me. He wants me to be here to show you that He loves you. You know that I talk to God all the time. I have 12 classes- 5 here, and 7 in other schools. I am praying for them all but I really want to pray for you all by name. You guys are special to me. Before I was afraid of 6th grade... I never really liked 6th grade until you guys." At this point I got a kid fake tearing up in the back haha. But I continued to explain that I wanted them to write their names on the little slip of paper and if they have something specific going on that they need prayer for they can write that too. It was SO cool to see that they actually responded... and it wasn't in laughter! 
God is soon good. He honors our steps of faith and gives us the words to speak.
This is just an encouragement to ACT. Do what God puts on your heart. Obey Him and know that He is with you. 
I know that God is working in these 6th graders. And I am so excited to see what God is going to do through this little (ugly if I do say so myself) jar that looks like a 5 year old made haha. 

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.- Hebrews 11:6

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